Black Lives Matter

Brixton 3 June 2020

Windrush Square, around noon.

People stood in the square at rough 2m spacings, some with masks.

The protest responded to events in the United States, with the aim of paying attention to the situation in Britain. It was one of many protests at different locations around the world. It was called at short notice on social media by 2 young people.

Notes on very local small scale protests:

you are involved
you get direct feedback
you address the locality
you do not address conventional authorities
you do not address an empty signifier / building
you are among traffic (hoot-backs, noise)
you are among people (disruptions)
you are not in an uninhabited zone (tourist area)
you inhabit
you act directly
you are not on mainstream media
you perform (for) your selves

Photo: SBS